Metrofire is committed to the continual improvement of our environmental performance and the efficient use of natural resources.

Our Environment

Metrofire is committed to the continual improvement of our environmental performance and the efficient use of natural resources.

We will deliver this through:

  • Minimising negative impacts we may have on the environment, through reduction in emissions and waste and more efficient use of resources (ie client reports sent via email where possible, provision of online training etc) whilst at the same time, not compromising our level of service
  • Complying with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations
  • Incorporating environmental better practice into our core business plans and management processes; and
  • Ensuring we work closely with our clients, suppliers, and other relevant parties to continually improve our processes in environmental better practice

Who's using us?

Alfred Health
Austin Health
Queensland Health
SA Health
Evolution Healthcare
The Royal Melbourne Hospital
The Womens
Uniting Care Health
Like to find out more? Contact us