In the event of an emergency, it is of primary importance that the patients, staff and visitors of a healthcare facility are evacuated safely and efficiently.

Evacuation and Emergency Response Exercises

The emergency response and evacuation exercise (also known as an evacuation drill) is designed to evaluate staff response in the event of an emergency occurring. This exercise also ensures all employees are aware of how to respond to emergencies in a healthcare environment, their particular duties and responsibilities, along with hospital specific emergency evacuation procedures – ensuring an effective and comprehensive approach to an emergency evacuation.


We work with clients across Australia to develop education packages that satisfy specific ACHS requirements and implement tailored programs to ensure the ongoing effective management of healthcare emergency and contingency plans.

Who's using us?

Alfred Health
Austin Health
Queensland Health
SA Health
Evolution Healthcare
The Royal Melbourne Hospital
The Womens
Uniting Care Health
Like to find out more? Contact us